

Yuanda Meile Food Company holds comprehensive training to build a solid foundation for development

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On July 12, 2024, in order to further strengthen the comprehensive quality of employees, enhance their understanding, recognition, and execution of culture and systems, Yuanda Meile Company organized a comprehensive training covering corporate culture, food safety, environmental protection, management system, safety production, occupational health, etc. All employees of the company actively participated.

Training site

In the corporate culture training session, the training instructor once again elaborated on the mission, vision, and values of Yuanda Group and Meile Company, explained the relationship and origin between them, and shared the various work carried out by the companies in corporate culture construction in recent years; Colleagues from various departments also actively spoke up, sharing their understanding and insights, and experiencing the changes and growth of themselves and the team. At the same time, colleagues who participated in the "Reading Ten Thousand Volumes and Traveling Ten Thousand Miles" book sharing activity in April and colleagues who have undergone job adjustments in recent years also shared their learning experiences and insights. Finally, the training instructor gave a presentation on the revised parts of the company level management system.

Training instructor for ’Corporate Culture’ - Gu Yanping from the Administrative Human Resources Center

Employees from various departments enthusiastically spoke up and shared

Mr. Chen, the CEO of the company, also shared some feelings about the construction of corporate culture in recent years. The company pays great attention to "people" in terms of system revision and talent cultivation, emphasizing the importance of corporate culture for the development of the company and the personal growth of employees. It is a strong driving force for the sustainable development of the company. We hope that all employees can study and deeply understand it, and integrate corporate culture into all aspects of daily work.

General Manager Chen Xiaochao’s Summary Speech

Food safety training is one of the important contents of this training. With the increasing attention of consumers to food safety, the training instructor provided detailed explanations on the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and specifications of food safety, as well as the operational requirements of the company in food production, processing, storage, and sales. By sharing the results of food safety spot checks and common self inspection content, employees have a clear understanding of the importance of food safety, further strengthening their awareness of food safety and responsibility, and ensuring the provision of safe, healthy, and high-quality products to consumers.

Trainer for "Food Safety Knowledge" - Lei Ming from the Technical Center

Environmental protection, as the main responsibility of enterprises, is receiving increasing attention. The training instructor explains the serious consequences of environmental pollution and the enormous harm it causes to ecosystems and human health, making employees deeply aware of the urgency and importance of environmental protection work. At the same time, it provides a detailed introduction to the environmental standards and regulations that the company needs to follow in its production and operation process, as well as how to achieve sustainable development of the enterprise through optimizing production processes, strengthening energy conservation and emission reduction measures.

Management system training covers multiple important management areas such as quality management, environmental management, food safety management, intellectual property certification and protection, hazard analysis, and critical control point systems. During the training process, the trainers provided detailed explanations of the standard requirements, establishment methods, implementation steps, and continuous improvement of various management systems in a simple and understandable manner through theoretical explanations, case analysis, and other forms; It emphasizes that the construction of management system is an important guarantee for enterprises to achieve sustainable development, and should be effectively integrated into daily work processes to optimize resource allocation, improve work efficiency and quality, continuously promote the improvement and optimization of the company’s management system, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

Trainer for "Environmental Protection Knowledge" and "Management System" - Wang Haoran from the Technical Center

Safety production is also a key focus of this training. The lecturer systematically explained the basic knowledge of safety production, deeply analyzed the causes of accidents, guided employees to learn from the lessons, and improved their awareness of safety prevention by combining relevant laws and regulations with the actual situation of the enterprise.

Occupational health is one of the important contents of enterprise management, which not only relates to the compliance and social responsibility of the enterprise, but also to the physical health of employees. The training instructor explained the hazards of occupational diseases, common types of occupational diseases, preventive measures, and relevant laws and regulations, enabling employees to deeply understand the importance of occupational health; At the same time, the important role of personal protection in occupational health protection was emphasized.

Trainer for "Safety Production" and "Occupational Health" - Wang Zhifa from the Production Center

Through this comprehensive training, employees have gained a deeper understanding and comprehension of the company’s corporate culture, management systems, systems, and national laws and regulations. We believe that under the guidance of corporate culture, all employees will continuously improve their own quality and business ability, strictly abide by various regulations such as food safety, safety production, and environmental protection, and contribute to the high-quality development of the company.